Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Things To Do : Write a mantra

Still looking for something to do in the 2ww (two week wait) well how about writing a mantra...

You can write a mantra and immediately start chanting it to your eggy and sperm. Relaxation as we all know is helpful for our sanity and if we listen to family and friends all we have to do to get pregnant is "Just relax and it will happen". Find your self a nice quiet area , close your eyes and chant to your little eggy, sperm or blastocyst.... Every child needs encouragement and it's never to early to start.

You mantra may include quotes like:

"Eggy go towards the sperm light"
"Sperm seek and you will find the egg"
"blastocyst burrow, burrow, burrow"

try to avoid mantras like"

"Sperm move your arse and swim faster"
"Last egg there is a rotten egg"
"Blastocycst implant or I will implode"


Nicole said...

Love your mantras. I will be embarking on a two week wait very soon too. So actually, I am in the 3 week waiting period. Good fun to be had by all. Be well.

Nicole said...

Sorry, but you have been tagged. Like spankings, I do it because I care. See my blog for the rules.